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  • YuFund matchfunded £250 thanks to alumni and friends of York

What's The Worst That Could Happen?

A project by: Harriet Day


WE RAISED £1,650

from 29 donors

Only project creators and their donors can post comments.

Can’t wait to watch finished program!

Best of luck guys, can't wait to see it. Love, Katy's mum. P.s, sorry Katy for the embarrassing message! 😁

Good luck with the project! Nigel Smith (former YSTV Director)

Looks fantastic you’ll smash it

Hi Hatsy/Team WTWTCH, we loved it! Great idea. Rosie particularly thought it was hilarious. Best of luck and looking forward to seeing more. xxx

Looking forward to seeing the end result. Good luck!!

Go Hats!