Who are we?
Gilbert and Sullivan (G&S) is a well loved and well known genre in opera, and the University of York G&S society is passionate about showing off the great and, sadly sometimes under-appreciated, operas, showcasing the funny stories, grand music and light hearted fun that G&S brings to the stage. The society was formed in 1972, and on top of many on-campus successes, our past 3 shows have also appeared at the International G&S Festival in Harrogate, achieving 4 awards and 7 nominations to date.With your help, we can continue this success, so please do consider supporting us today!
What's the fundraising for?
This year, the G&S Society is excited to announce that we will be taking our main production of the year, The Gondoliers, to an off-campus venue: The Joseph Rowntree Theatre ( https://www.josephrowntreetheatre.co.uk/ ). Gilbert and Sullivan operettas are very popular in York and routinely performed by other performing groups to large audiences. We feel that we have much to add to this community of performers and audiences and look forward to becoming more well known outside of the University.
However, associated with this off campus venue are increased costs; both in terms of hire and of transport of cast and set to the venue during our show week. We are therefore falling on your generosity to keep G&S popular on and off campus and enable us to keep putting on shows!
Meet The Gondoliers Team!
Artistic Directors:
Musical Director: TOBY RANDALL-PALEY
Producer: JAKE ADAMS
A dynamic mix of new and old members of the society, comprising 4 undergraduates, 1 postgraduate and 2 alumni from a range of disciplines, the production team has a wealth of experience of singing, playing and directing a whole host of different shows. However this is their first go at putting together a Gilbert & Sullivan show and they couldn't be more thrilled! They've had a blast and are very proud of their cast, orchestra and construction efforts! They hope you can support the show and would love to see you in the audience!
What will your funds be spent on?
Our usual hiring costs for Central Hall average at £1500 per show and the cost of the theatre will come to just over £2200. Our minimum target of £400 will allow us to alleviate this price difference, along with other sources of fundraising throughout the year. If we hit £700, that will cover our extra hiring costs completely and £800 will allow us to also cover van transport of set and equipment to and from the venue. Any additional money will go towards our Harrogate production of the show.
Show Budget:
Venue Hire: £2265
Van and Transport Hire: £145
Costumes: £650
Set and Stage: £1000
Props and Make-up: £50
Orchestral Music Hire: £280
Publicity: £300
TOTAL: £4590
Leading up to the show...

We hope that this has got you excited and we would love for you to sponsor us for as little as £1, but if you feel unable to, please help us out by sharing this with people who may be interested. However the very best thing you can do for us is to come and see us perform! Our tickets are on sale on the Joseph Rowntree website:
Thursday 23rd - Saturday 25th February at 19:30 with an additional 14:30 matinee on the Saturday.
Please follow us on social media, as we will be posting regular updates about our rehearsal progress, witty anecdotes and other fundraising events that we will be involved in.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UniYorkGandS/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UniYorkGandS
Instagram: https://instagram.com/UniYorkGandS
Website: https://uniyorkgands.co.uk