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  • YuFund matchfunded £500 thanks to alumni and friends of York

Branch Out

A project by: Christine Saunders


WE RAISED £1,106

from 16 donors

This project received donations on Thu 30 Apr 2015
We think it's time to Branch Out. Don't you?


              Welcome to Branch Out!

Why am I raising money?

I'm raising money to make an awesome idea an even better reality! I want to build an online platform which allows people to find and meet new housemates to live with when they move off campus in second year and beyond.
As the president of Halifax college, and being on the committee now for two years, I have seen that there is a genuine need to find people to live with, and that need occurs every year. The website will be tailor made for students at this University, and have phenomenal benefits for undergraduates, postgraduates, as well as international students.

A bit about me...

I'm Christine Saunders, I'm in my second year, and I study law. I'm involved with many activities, societies and sports at uni but the biggest commitment which I have outside of my degree is being the president of Halifax College. This has allowed me an insight into the issues facing students - and this is where I found the need for Branch Out!

So, what's Branch Out?

Branch Out benefits everyone - from groups looking for more people, houses looking to fill a room, and people looking to buddy-up. We resolve many of the stresses, worries and anxieties relating to housing woes before they even happen, and we walk you through the process of finding people, talking to those people, and finally moving in with them! 

Donating to this project will ensure Branch Out is built. The necessary software does not currently exist, and so it needs to be developed specifically for this project. It will benefit all who use it, and once the site is working and being used, we hope the maintenance costs will be covered by onsite advertising, so it will be self-sufficient. This means we purely need the site-build money!

Where will the money go?

Additional Goals:

If the website proves as popular as I hope it will be, we will consider opening it to other universities in the Yorkshire area, and this money will go towards contacting them and promoting Branch Out to them.

What do I get from donating?

We know it takes a lot to go and find your wallet or purse and dish out your hard earned cash, so for that you deserve something better than a thank you:
Have a look on the right of this page for some awesome (and pretty damn unique) rewards, these should go some way to expressing how grateful we are each time someone shows faith in our project.

Follow our progress...

 - Our updates, shout outs, and sneak peaks will all be added to our Facebook Page: Branch Out Uni - so head on over and give us a like!

 - branchoutuni@yahoo.com - this is our dedicated email address where you can get in touch with the team behind Branch Out.

How can I help?                                                                                                                                                                                    

To get our project off the ground we need to create a buzz about it & get people talking. You can help by sharing our message, promoting our pages, and of course, by donating! 

Sharing our message:

If you want to help us with getting the word out, it would be amazing if you could ask others to help our worthy cause! And because we are kindly souls, we have pre-written a spiel for you to send to them:

Hi there friend/mum/dad/sibling/uncle/aunt/neighbour/fairy-god-parent,
        At York where I am studying (incredibly hard/really hard/almost all the time/to an extent - delete as appropriate), I have come across a project which I think could be really beneficial to students here. It is called 'Branch Out', and it will be a website where people can search and find people to live with in the next academic year. 
        There is a pretty strong need for the service such as this one, and feedback has already been incredibly positive. Many people have said how advantageous it would be for postgraduates, undergraduates, and especially international students, because it would be one of the first points of contact with people at their new University.
        Branch Out is currently in the funding stage of the development, and as such I am contacting you to ask if you could donate any amount to see the project really gets going. The project is live on our Universities' Crowd Funding website YuStart: https://yustart.hubbub.net/p/BranchOut
        Thank you so, so much!
Your favourite child/sibling/friend/chosen-one

Promoting our pages:

Also, you can help by simply sharing the project - link the video, like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram or Twitter and promote the YuStart page on any (or all) of your online profiles:

Branch Out Video

Branch Out Facebook Page

Branch Out Instagram: 'BranchOutUni'

Branch Out Twitter: @BranchOutUni

YuStart Page


And finally, if you're feeling super duper generous & you fancy one of those shiny rewards on the right, please sponsor us and help make Branch Out a reality!