• Double your Donation

  • YuFund matchfunded £571 thanks to alumni and friends of York

VOX 2014/2015

A project by: Club of PEP


WE RAISED £1,142

from 20 donors

This project received donations on Fri 27 Jun 2014

YuFund matchfunded £571

Jonathan May

generated 798 clicks


generated 487 clicks and donated £20.00

Vicnan P

generated 421 clicks and donated £25.00


generated 348 clicks

Nadia Setiabudi

generated 330 clicks and donated £10.00

Justus Sievers

donated £10.00

Liza Parker

donated £5.00

Thomas Tozer

donated £5.00

Sue Mendus


Sophia Duffy

followed this project

Cazza Mulligan

followed this project


signed up to help

Club of PEP

signed up to help

Markella Apergi

signed up to help

Izzi Graham

signed up to help

Oscar Stenbom

signed up to help


signed up to help

Oliver Angove

signed up to help

6 anonymous donations totalling £71.00