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Raising Diversity at YorkMuN 2019

A project by: David Rowley



from 5 donors

This project received donations on Fri 28 Sep 2018
YorkMuN is a fantastic experience for students, we want to make it open to as many as possible

What is yorkmun 2019?

The York Model United Nations Conference (YorkMUN), is a debating event where York students simulate the debates held in the UN. It’s an exciting and fresh way to get students talking about politics, as students take on the task of acting as a country in the UN, and representing their foreign policy. You could end up representing the US in climate change debates, Russia on intervention in Syria, or China in territorial disputes.

In short, we offer a new and exciting way to promote political participation amongst young people, as well as a great way to develop their public speaking and negotiation skills – but we need your help. To make YorkMUN as accessible and affordable as possible, we need your support. Funding this campaign will allow us to lower ticket prices, and allow more York students to engage, collaborate and find solutions to shared problems we face as a planet.

How attendees benefit

For students who want to strengthen their public speaking, negotiation and team working skills, YorkMUN is a fantastic opportunity. Not only are attendees encouraged to lead and engage in debate during the conference it itself, but by assigning attendees any country in the UN, delegates will often have to research that particular countries foreign policy prior to attending. To have to represent a country with a wildly different foreign policy to the UK, is not only an exciting and new experience, but hugely important for broadening the mind-set of York students.

The academic and transferable skills we offer to York students is simply vital in our ever more competitive job market, and sets York graduates apart from other students in the UK. Setting all this aside however, we allow attendees to network and make lifelong friends with students from all over the world, as we bring together people from over three continents.

How the university and wider community benefit

As YorkMUN grows and aims to become more successful year upon year, the reputation of the university increases. The more affordable our event, the more likely people not only from York, but other universities are to attend.

For the first time this year, we are opening up our conference to 16-18 year olds. As we are beginning to collaborate and invite young students from not only the York area, but also as far as Spain, a growing number of young people are likely to consider studying at the University of York after they leave college. The affordability of our event is vital in attracting more attendees, and it is your help that can make this difference.

How would your money be spent

Your money would be spent to reduce ticket prices. We aim to raise £425 to reduce ticket prices by £4. For each £85 we raise, we can lower prices across the board by £1. Although this sounds like a small step, each donation we receive has a huge impact in making the conference more affordable.

Your donations whether small or large make our event more accessible to the hundreds, if not thousands, of York students who simply can’t afford to get involved in extracurricular activities. Even if you only make one more student attend, that is one more York student who leaves with wider prospects and a deeper understanding of the world around them.


All your donations, whether small or large, will have a huge impact on achieving our mission.

  • For £10 donations and over, you will receive a personalised letter from myself and the Secretary General thanking you for your generous donation, and our gratitude for your help to our cause.
  • By donating £20, you will be recognised as a supporter of YorkMUN, and will be listed in on our website and in our conference leaflet.
  • If you donate over £30, we will proactively contact you and invite you to meet myself and the rest of the secretariat for dinner prior to the conference.
  • If you donate £50 and over, we will invite you to our opening ceremony, and offer you the opportunity to meet our opening speaker, Sir Lawrence Freedman.
  • For those who are truly generous donation to our cause and donate £100 and over, we will offer all of the above, as well as a guided tour of our conference and the opportunity to meet students who you have provided this exciting opportunity to.

We cannot express our gratitude enough for having the opportunity to run this event, and please help us in our mission, and make YorkMUN as accessible as possible by funding our campaign today.

Find us

If you have any queries feel free to contact us at: secretary.general@yorkmun.com

Website: http://www.yorkmun.com/

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/yorkmun/