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  • YuFund matchfunded £100 thanks to alumni and friends of York


A project by: Zsófia Benedek


WE RAISED £2,515

from 62 donors

This project received donations on Mon 10 Jan 2022
Would you sell your mind for a comfortable life?


.… is a story about advertising and the influence it has over us; about one particular man who lets it worm so deep into his mind that it jeopardizes his relationship.

Thank you for clicking on our page! We are a group of 3rd Year Film and Television Students hoping to raise £2500 for our final year project, a short film called ADMAN. This is our one opportunity to showcase everything that we have worked so hard to learn during our time here at the University of York, but it will only be possible with your help.

ADMAN is the love story of Darius and Adam and the corrupting influence marketing has over their memories of their time together. It's a human story, but the meaning runs a lot deeper.

We want to depict the realities of how big an effect advertising has on our behaviours, choices and beliefs, and ultimately, that we have the power to overcome these influences to choose our own path.

Any donation you can give in order to make this dream a reality for us will be massively appreciated as the challenges faced with this shoot will be by no means small, but we are excited to take on the challenge - even one man down (our editor is also our sound designer)!

Meet the team

Laura-Lys Alvarez - Director // Zsófia Benedek - Producer

Robin MacKillop - Director of Photography // Oliver Tomkins - Writer // Poppy Holloway - Assistant Director

Louis Rees-Stevens - Production Designer // Mol Dainty - Sound Designer & Editor

Where will the money go?

Production Design: £550

To make this project authentic we will create a number of adverts, posters, branded glasses, bottles, cans, and tons of other props which all will require a budget to produce. The locations will need to be set-dressed to feel personal to our characters, not to mention their costumes - Darius isn’t a man of cheap taste!

Locations: £550

While looking for the ideal locations for our film we have already contacted local bars, hotels and property agencies - however to secure these we will need your help!

Travel, Transport & Accommodation: £450

In order to ensure we can safely transport our equipment, crew and cast between locations, this section of our budget will go towards hiring a van, as well as providing our cast with accommodation near location to minimise travel time!

Catering: £300

For our cast and crew to do their best work, quality meals are essential - not to mention refreshments, hot drinks and snacks throughout the day for a little boost of energy! A well catered set is a productive set.

Specialist Equipment: £250 

To provide creative freedom to our DoP this portion of the budget will facilitate the hiring of extra equipment. Creating authentic adverts AND a cinematic short film at the same time is no easy task!

Contingency: £250

We understand that complications can arise, but with contingency money set aside we will be able to adapt to all eventualities. This portion of the budget will also contribute to the purchasing of extra PPE to ensure our set remains efficient and most importantly, safe. 

Your support is important

Any and all support is greatly appreciated - we prepared various rewards to show how much your contribution means to us! Please see them on the side.

Find us here

Instagram: @admanfilm

Facebook: @admanfilm

Money is not everything

We understand that not everyone can support us in monetary ways, so we ask you to share the word instead! Like, share and comment - the more people we reach the better chance we have of making out vision a reality!