'All In' - Drama Short Film, Addiction Awareness

A project by: Ruthie Brooks


WE RAISED £1,050

from 13 donors

This project received donations on Thu 31 May 2018
At rock bottom, a gambling addict risks all he has left for one more unbeatable adrenaline rush.

project SUMMARY

‘All In’ is a powerful short film, based on a true story, which explores the plight of problem gambling. Problem gambling or gambling addiction is an urge to gamble continuously despite harmful negative consequences or a desire to stop. Severe problem gambling may be diagnosed as clinical pathological gambling if the gambler meets certain criteria. Pathological gambling is a common disorder that is associated with both social and family costs.

The condition is classified as an addictive disorder, with sufferers exhibiting many similarities to those who have substance addictions. Indeed, data suggests a close relationship between pathological gambling and substance use disorders, largely because the behaviours in problem gambling and most primary substance use disorders seek to activate the brain's reward mechanisms while the behaviours characterizing obsessive-compulsive disorder are prompted by overactive and misplaced signals from the brain's fear mechanisms.

Not all people who gamble excessively are alike, nor are the problems they face. People with gambling problems are found in all age groups, income groups, cultures and jobs. Some people develop gambling problems suddenly, others over many years. There are many reasons why a gambling problem may develop. For example, some people develop problems when they try to win back money they have lost, or because they like to be “in the action.” Others have many life stresses that make gambling a welcome relief.

To find out more about problem gambling, visit the following links:




Set over the course of a night at a private poker game, 'All In' tells the story of a man, Ash, whose gambling addiction has left him at rock bottom and in a web of lies too deep to maintain. I am raising £1000 to support the principal photography and the post-production of this film with the intention that the finished films will be a tool for raising awareness of and start conversations about gambling addiction, a much neglected area of addiction in current media.

Tony Fadil (our actor, playing Ash), discusses gambling addiction and playing Ash in an interview which can be found at https://vimeo.com/223609836/891bf0ad62 .

If you are able to donate any sum to our crowdfunding page, not only will you be supporting the creative endeavours of a dedicated team of filmmakers, but you will also be helping them to raise a voice for problem gambling and this could help to improve the quality of many people's lives.

WHO am i?

I am Oliver James Spalding, and I write, direct and produce both short films and videos. My first independent short film, Positive (which is available to watch at https://vimeo.com/178873450) , fared well on the festival circuit, and received recognition from film festivals in the UK, USA and India. I am currently studying MA Digital Film and Television at the University of York to put myself in the best position possible to continue making impacting films. A dedicated cast and crew are rehearsed and ready to start filming as soon as funding is secured. Any donation you can make will help us get closer to our goal, and will be put to great use by a committed team - thank you in advance!

Where will the money go?

We sincerely hope that we can raise our target of £1,000. All pre-production for the film has been completed without cost, and our actors and crew have all agreed to work for free, which is amazing as they are all very talented. As we have secured the use of our location for free, and are using the Theatre, Television and Film department's filmmaking equipment, the funds we raise will be split between props acquisition, craft, and transportation and accommodation for cast and crew (who are based across the country).

Our cost breakdown:

  • Transportation of cast and crew to and from location: £600
  • Accommodation for cast and crew for 2 nights: £150
  • Craft (30 lunches, 30 dinners, and hot drinks for cast and crew): £150
  • Props (including poker paraphernalia): £85
  • Printing costs (15 copies of the script and call sheets): £15


Please take a look at the great rewards we can offer you to show our gratitude for your support and donations!

Find us here

Twitter: AllInShortFilm

Faceboook: AllInFilm2018

We would love to keep you updated with the project as it develops. If you'd like this too, please follow and like us on our Facebook and Twitter pages!

Help us succeed!

We need as many people as possible to be talking about 'All In' and the positive impact it could have on burgeoning discussions surrounding problem gambling in the UK.

We understand if you are unable to donate to our campaign, but if you could share this page on social media, or with your friends and family, or anyone else who you think might be able to support us, that would be amazing!

While you can help us succeed without spending a penny, we would absolutely love it if you could make a donation.

Please support us to make the final step of this film's production possible!

Thank you so much!