Class of 2015 Challenge

A project by: Sam Maguire



from 25 donors

This project received donations on Mon 31 Aug 2015
Taking part is key - together we can make a difference.

take part in the class of 2015 challenge

We are inviting you to be a part of the Class of 2015 Challenge by giving what you can and leaving an important legacy. Your donation will help York students overcome the financial barriers they face in undertaking internships, bringing them a step closer to the jobs they deserve. 

It might be the cost of a bottle of wine or a cup of coffee - anything you can give will make a huge difference!

why internships?

Students come to study at York for so many reasons. For some it is the chance to be intellectually challenged and inspired by world-class teaching and research. For others it is to learn to live independently. For a handful it is the ducks. But what is the common aim amongst every York student? To graduate and get a job.

During my time as YUSU President, what is really clear to me is that in today’s world, working hard to achieve a good degree from a top University is no longer enough; graduates are also expected to have engaged in extra-curricular activities and taken leading roles in societies, sports teams and college committees. 

Most importantly, work experience is becoming vital with 32% of graduate vacancies being filled by candidates who have already been employed within the organisation.

what are we funding?

We need to make sure York students are able to build up experience and hone skill sets in order to achieve the top positions in the best organisations when they leave. The Careers Department at the University of York has launched a summer work experience campaign which is targeted at all year groups, enabling them to get the experience that they need to supplement their academic studies.

However simply promoting opportunities and ensuring students know the value of work experience and internships is not enough.  

For some highly capable, ambitious students these are opportunities they cannot afford to take. Many summer internships are partially-funded but this rarely covers rent, bills and transport, let alone the costs of office-wear and food. On top of this, most student lets in York run for 52 weeks at a time, meaning that students often end up needing to pay for rent twice over, leading to a hefty bill.

This is why we at YUSU have been working with the Careers Department and the Development and Alumni Relations Office (DARO) to set up a fund which supports students from families with a low level of disposable income who are looking to improve their employability prospects by doing an internship.  

The fund is currently making a difference for these students, allowing them to access opportunities that they would never normally be able to be take.  In 2015, our pilot year, 10 students will get this help - that’s great news, but it’s just a start.

you can make a difference

Each year over 4,000 students graduate from York.  Wouldn’t it be great for the class of 2015 to start a tradition which aims to leave a positive legacy for students who follow them. Please just give what you can.

I am asking you to make a donation today so that we can work with more students next year, helping them to access opportunities that will ensure they can get the jobs they deserve and reach their full potential. In addition to this, make your first donation today and Chancellor and alumnus Greg Dyke will add 50% to the value of your gift. This is just awesome!!

Success should not be determined by wealth; an individual’s future should be dependent on their ability and drive. Please give now and together we can make this the case.