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  • YuFund matchfunded £500 thanks to alumni and friends of York

"Flattered" to the Fringe

A project by: Naomi Gourley


WE RAISED £1,751

from 30 donors

This project received donations on Mon 04 Jun 2018
An immersive piece of theatre raising awareness of day-to-day female public harassment.

flattered collective are taking their show "flattered" to Edinburgh Fringe, and we need your help to get us there! "flattered" uses real stories to address the topic of female public harassment and highlight the issues that occur on a daily basis, and with your help we will be able to continue this conversation of gender equality with a much wider audience!

Who are we?

flattered collective are an emerging group of artists based in York whose work aims to continue the conversation towards achieving gender equality. "flattered" was written by Fizz Margereson, a third year music student at the University of York, as part of her final dissertation. After the initial performances she joined together with a group of people who share her passion for getting this taboo issue talked about in today's society and so flattered collective was born.

Our Story

The work we are doing specifically focuses upon the everyday woman and her experiences; the kind that don't break headlines. Sadly, many women have experiences of being catcalled, touched without their consent and harassment is becoming normal and a part of our culture. With help from you, we want to be able to take our show to the Fringe because is important to us to be able to reach as many people, from different backgrounds, geographical locations and varying exposures and experiences of the issue as possible and the Edinburgh Fringe will give us the perfect opportunity to make this piece of theatre accessible to such a wide group of people. You can help us break the headlines.

We are interested in creating work which puts performers and sound on a level playing field. We aim to experiment with the role that sound plays within a performance, encouraging an active dialogue between actor and sonority. Our work wrestles with subjects that people usually turn a blind eye to and we want to expose these topics creatively and encourage different ways of thinking. To do this, we engage playfully with movement, dance and vocal expression as well as with more naturalistic theatrical approaches. Through this we aim to create high quality, entertaining work which encourages people to alter the way they conduct themselves in today's society.

Where will the money go?

Here we have provided an insight as to just how much this is going to cost us, and how your money will help us achieve our target of getting to the Fringe! This is our first time at the Fringe and so our budget is not final, but we will be continuing to post updates about project costs and how we are using donations.

  • Fringe Registration: £393.60
  • Press & Publicity (Flyers, posters etc.) : £600
  • Tech/Equipment: £500
  • Accommodation/Travel: £4000

- total £5,493.60

Our minimum target of £1,500 is so important to help us cover the costs of the main necessities to get this show on the road. If we pass this target, it would be even more incredible to help cover even just some of the cost of accommodation (which on average will cost each member of the collective £16 per night, no 5* living here!), a barrier we don't wish to get in the way of bringing this incredibly important work to Edinburgh.

You might also notice that we have not included a venue hire cost. We are excited to have been offered a great venue from Fireside and we are able to perform in their space 'The Last Arch Theatre' for a full months run free of charge!

As you can see, our YuStart target will not be enough to cover all expenses. We will also be holding various fundraising events and looking for alternative ways of funding.


We will be offering some great rewards to thank everyone who donates, please do check them out on the side of this page!

Make sure to check out on social media and give us a like -  https://www.facebook.com/flatteredcollective/

Finally, thank you so much for just taking the time to read this! Even if you cannot donate, there are other ways to help such as by sharing this project on Facebook, Twitter, any other social media or even just by talking to people about it! Getting the word out there is just as important in our journey to the Fringe!

That being said, it would mean the world to us if you can spare even just a few pound, any amount will help us so much. Please sponsor us and allow us to achieve our goals of getting this important message out there!

With love,

- flattered collective x