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Out Of Hours - TV Drama

A project by: Isy Barrs


WE RAISED £2,500

from 53 donors

This project received donations on Wed 08 Jan 2020
A group of extraordinary teachers fight to improve a failing school on the brink of closure.

"If this school fails, it’s because we’ve failed it"

Out of Hours is a workplace drama set in a failing school in the North of England threatened with closure. The last defence is a new staff - fuelled by resentment and anger at education reform, their administration fights to bring back the school from the brink.

With spending on schools falling by 8% per pupil since 2009*, this issue is relevant and widespread, and it’s affected us, our friends and now we can see it affecting the next generation. We need your support and donations to help us tell the story of Greystones Comprehensive School and it’s teachers, and make our ideas a reality.

The Team

We are seven third year Film and Television Production students at the University of York, all with previous experience and a passion for television. Out of Hours is an ambitious project, and we’d love your help to make it happen.

(From left to right, top to bottom) We are William Howell (Vision Mixer and Editor), Leon Bodier (Designer and Graphics), Ben Young (Sound Supervisor), Pete Brookman (Lead Camera and Lighting), Matthew Gallis (Production Manager and PA), Tom Maynard (Director), and Isy Barrs (Head Writer and Producer).

Where will the money go?

With our project we’re ambitious with what we can do, not just in the studio itself but using outside locations and going live to other parts of the TFTV building to create a world in our programme that feels full and developed. We will use every penny given in your donations as effectively as we can to realise this world, and create the best programme we can.

DESIGN - £1200

We want to create some of the rooms of Greystones Comprehensive inside the TFTI Television Studios, so this will take up a large part of our budget. We will be making our set as accurate as we can, crucially with a staff room where the teachers can come together to tackle the issues that come their way.


In addition to design, we will be using props and costume to make the world of this school truly to life. Dressing the set and our characters will be crucial to creating a realistic world in the space of the limited episodes we make.


With an ensemble cast, we will need to transport them for our various shoots, especially as we plan on filming inserts in an actual school. We will also need to transport ourselves and our equipment for these shoots, and we already are reaching out to local schools about this process.


Of course, with a project like this, costs can spring up at any opportunity, and we hope to have enough of a contingency to deal with these when they come up.

Follow Our Process and Stay Involved!

We’d love it if you could support us on our journey to create Out Of Hours - any amount you donate will help us to achieve our goal. Even if you can’t donate, just spreading the word about our campaign will help us - you can find us on social media here:

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/outofhourstv

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/outofhourstv/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/OutOfHoursTV

Make sure to follow us and keep up to date with our progress!

Thanks for your time and support,

The Out of Hours team.

* Statistic source - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-44794205