The University of York Solar System

A project by: AstroSoc York


WE RAISED £2,334

from 43 donors

This project received donations on Fri 14 Oct 2016
Bring the planets down to Earth!

We are the University of York Astronomy Society and we want to raise £5,000 to help us build a scale model of the solar system across the University of York Campus! 

As a society we are passionate about astronomy, and our aim is to create something that everyone can share in - an installation with genuine beauty and artistic merit that will be a solid and permanent addition to the artwork already in place at the University.

The models will feature all eight planets, a dwarf planet (lovely Pluto!) and the Sun, placed at scaled intervals reflecting their real positions, in prominent sites on the University grounds, both Campus west and east.

This will unite the main sites at the University, encouraging and inspiring staff, students and the wider community to get involved with Astronomy – particularly activities at the Astrocampus - and to explore the campus grounds!  

For those of you who don't know Astrocampus at York already helps bring the mysteries of space closer to home, and our solar system aims to take that a step further by bringing these planets down to earth! You can find out more about Astrocampus on their website

Each planet will be designed and sculpted by a dedicated team of artists, experts in their field. They will be set upon plinths, made from durable steel, each featuring a plaque outlining key facts about each of the planets. Manufacture of the plinths will will take advantage of the expertise and equipment in the Department of Chemistry workshops.

We will produce a dedicated website for the project, with more in depth information about each planet and links to related media.

Why we need your support

We are a small society with minimal funding - our annual income is a tiny fraction of the necessary moneys needed to build the amazing models - so we need your help to achieve our goals!
We already have some of funding needed and this money is already being spent buying materials and manufacturing the plinths but it's just not enough. By reaching our minimum target on YuStart, our artists will be able to commence work on building the planets themselves. They have already begun creating a prototype proof of concept for the planet Mercury, which you can see below!

By reaching the full target we will be able to create all of the planets including the centrepiece of our project, a sundial representing the sun that will be positioned pride of place at the Astrocampus.

If we're lucky enough to go beyond our target, the funds will be spent on promotional materials, a website and printed maps to distribute to visitors and to make sure everyone has access to the planets!  It will be a fantastic  addition to York's facilities which are open to groups and individuals throughout the year and already home to a range of fun and engaging astronomy and space-science based activities

Our cost break down:

·         Materials for Plinths: £2,000
·         Material and manufacture of planets: £3,000
·         Information plaques: £450
·         Production costs of plinths: £2,000 
·         Manufacture of Sun model: £1,000
·         Printing costs (200 copies): £100

Everyone who donates will receive an awesome reward : From signed artwork and bespoke thank yous through to having an entire planet dedicated to you! Make sure you check out what's on offer.

Get in touch and keep up to date!

You will be able to find regular updates on everything that we'll be doing over the coming months on our Facebook and Twitter accounts!

Please don't hesitate to get in touch!

How else can you help us?!

Even if you can't donate money, you can help us in many other ways! 

Please share this project with anyone you think would support us – on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog. In fact, share it with everyone you know as we think it's a great idea, and the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly!
And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did!

Please sponsor us and help make this happen.   Thank you so much.