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Tin Pan Alley

A project by: Callum Ward


WE RAISED £2,550

from 47 donors

This project received donations on Wed 08 Jan 2020
Music lets you talk when you just can’t find the right words to say.

Music is more than a pastime

Tin Pan Alley is a comedy-drama set in modern day England that highlights the pressures of toxic masculinity and its subsequent effects. The film follows Henry, a guitarist whom has just lost his mother, as he comes to term with her loss and how he processes his grief.

After a night in the pub with his ‘mates’ Henry get caught stealing a car and to avoid jail time joins Alan to go to a band rehearsal. Tensions rise in the ban as  Henry and Alan butt heads until Alan sits him down with the rest of the band and they all tell him that they’re going through similar mental issues that he is. This prompts Henry to try and get help by reaching out to people and he is finally able to play music for the first time in a long time.

We are raising £2500 to support our film which showcases music therapy as a way in which to begin the road to recovery from depression. This story will help to show people that they are not alone, and that hope can be found in the most unexpected places.

Who are we?

We are final year film students, looking to bring together our wide set of skills to tell this story together. We all have personal experiences surrounding this story, and are united in wanting to bring about change to the taboo surrounding depression in young men. We have decided that music, and the people found in the performance world, are both part of a path to recovery, and this is a message we want to bring to our audiences. 

Why are we doing this?

We are making this film to encourage and support the many ways people are finding to improve mental health. Even upon hearing the concept of this film, some of the crew were not aware that music has been used to help with depression before. In this way, we hope we will help spread the message that others may find help when they need it most.

In some way we have all witnessed the troubles depression can cause, particularly within men. Our society constantly asks men to fit a stereotype that needs to change and we hope that we will encourage more people to ask questions of masculinity and mental health with this film.

By helping us make this money, you will be helping us spread the message that it’s okay not to be okay. If even one person is prompted to turn to help from this film then we have succeeded. This film is only one of many things we as a society can do to change perceptions of mental health in men but it has the capacity to push more people to start questioning these issues. Your donations will help us tell a story that is becoming all too common and by making this film, we hope to help turn the tide against negative mental health.

Where will the money go?

To make Tin Pan Alley the best it can be, we will be utilising several different production elements. 

Locations, Travel and Accommodation- £1000 

We will have to spend a large proportion of our budget on transporting our cast and crew around Yorkshire. We live in such a beautiful area so thankfully we don’t have to travel too far but we will also need to transport large amounts of equipment. To truly make our film look as good as it deserves, we will also need to spend a large amount on securing the best locations Yorkshire has to offer.

Design- £600

With such a key focus on music, we need to have instruments. We need believable instruments that each reflects the personality of their players. We also want each character to feel believable as a unique person through the costumes they wear and props they have.

Additional Equipment- £250

To really make our film stand out from the screen we are investing in some extra camera and lighting gear to get the most out of our amazing story.

Catering- £300

 Good food is the heart of and good film, ask any actor and they’ll tell you the best shoots they were on were those with good food.

Music Rights- £250

 As our story is so rooted in music, we are hoping to secure the rights to some commercial music. As such we will need to pay for copyright fees and secure licenses.

Contingency- £150

We are so dedicated to telling this story that we want to make sure there is no reason unexpected issues should stop us. For this reason, we are reserving a contingency to make sure this film is made at all cost.


As a thank you from us, we have put together a set of exclusive rewards for however much you are able to donate.

Find us here

Please help us spread the word by sharing our social media. You can find us at:

Facebook- Tin Pan Alley Film

Instagram- Tin Pan Alley Film

Thank you!