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Issue#5 Solitude & Membership Launch

A project by: Unknown Magazine



from 21 donors

This project received donations on Mon 26 Oct 2015
Unknown Magazine, the Arts and Culture Review, is putting York on the map!


    Founded in 2013 by Raphael Reuben, Unknown Magazine is an explorative arts magazine and online review based in York. Our team comprises over 50 members, many of whom are students at the University of York. Experience is imperative when entering the arts industry and we offer students valuable opportunities to procure the skills they need. Together, we seek out talent on campus (including weekly reviews for the Drama Society), in the city (such as the York International Shakespeare Festival), and beyond our own shores to provide a comprehensive review of the arts on offer. Alongside this, we produce our own magazine, which includes articles and artwork from eclectic writers all over the globe.

    Unknown Magazine consists of two main parts: 'The Magazine' and 'Online Review'. Our reviews celebrate the wider creative environment and our magazine issues reflect on the influence art has on the individual. We aim to regenerate interest in both these areas of the arts; you can help us do so. 

    Part 1: THE MAGAZINE

    We produce at least 2 magazine issues a year; they are currently limited to online but your support will change that. Each issue focuses on a specific theme explored through a range of mediums, such as film and literature. This magazine offers amateurs and professionals the opportunity to showcase work that is often very personal, due to our choice of intimate topics. With your help we can start to print and sell these issues.


    Supporting this somewhat introspective venture is our more interactive online review. A buzzing, up to date space that provides York's arts scene with a platform to promote and applaud its creative successes, alongside publishing international material to procure a global readership for York. International students continue to work with us even after leaving the university and, whilst we maintain our local focus, they are helping to consolidate York's creative identity abroad.

    Our Ambition:

    Against a London-centric culture, we celebrate the thriving arts scene that exists, without due acclaim, in the North and wish York to become a hub for creativity from all over the globe. Help us print and sell Issue#5 of Unknown Magazine to our ever-expanding readership, both overseas and in the U.K, and thus put a tangible example of York's talent in their hands.

    Furthermore, donations will allow us to launch our membership scheme. In doing so, we will be able to reward loyal supporters by offering exclusive discounts. These will include 50% off our magazine and discounted entry to Drama Society and Fashion Society events. Money from membership will enable us to cover more of the arts in York. We will thus establish its innovative presence and so generate interest for the city's many creative outlets and opportunities. Funding will also enable us to send reviewers further afoot and so improve our U.K coverage, ensuring York becomes renowned more widely for offering perceptive reviews of the arts. 

    Why do we need to print the issue and become self-sustaining?

    For a relatively young publication, Unknown Magazine is expanding faster than we could have ever imagined. In order to keep up with the demands of our broadening outreach, it is vital that we become a self-sustaining organisation. By printing Issue#5, we will be able to make a small profit which will be fed straight back into the magazine, enabling us to support our contributors and editorial team as they take on more ambitious projects. We are already in contact with a large number of artists, filmmakers and playhouses who regularly invite us to write on their work. However, we often lack the resources to ensure we can cover all the exciting events that are on offer. With your donations Unknown can review all these and more.

    What are you helping to create?

    If we reach our minimum requirement we will be able to:

    • Professionally print 150 copies of Issue#5 'Solitude' to sell and put all profits back into the magazine

    If we receive more than our minimum donation we will be able to:

    • Maintain the cost of our upgraded website
    • Maintain the membership collaboration between different societies
    • Bring you more reviews of shows in and around York
    • Print future issues
    • Expand our membership

    Approximate Breakdown of Our Costs

    • Website: £60 per year
    • Issue printing: £300 per issue. (Minimum 2 per year)
    • Review costs in York: These vary. Companies in York have been very cooperative and often we are afforded press tickets but sometimes our members have to pay for the show they review.
    • Review costs outside of York: This will vary but we are constantly receiving invitations to expand our coverage, including to a visual art exhibition in Harrogate. We aim to cover these once it becomes economically viable.


    By donating to this magazine you will help to ensure that York becomes recognised for the wealth of creativity it contains. 

    In addition you’ll receive updates from our online review showcasing the wealth of creativity and artistic talent here in York. If you're an artist, perhaps we can feature you. We'll even reward you with a printed copy of Unknown to enjoy and share. Make sure you look at the rewards we offer to express our gratitude for your donations.

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    Help us succeed!

    Please join with us to make issue #5 a reality by making a gift. Thank you.  Of course, donations aren't the only way you can make a difference. If you wish to help us, but don't have the cash, then please promote our cause. Share this project with anyone you think would support us – on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, or just by having a natter.

    And if you do have a few pounds to spare then please do donate. York deserves attention; help us make that happen!