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University of York Boat Club 60th Anniversary Challenge Week

A project by: Boat Club


WE RAISED £7,910

from 173 donors

This project received donations on Fri 10 Feb 2023
Raising money to purchase of a new Women’s 8+ and Men’s 4+ to improve accessibility and performance

Our Story

In 2023, we at the University of York Boat Club will be celebrating our 60th Anniversary. We are the oldest sports club at the university and the progress and development of the club over our 60 year life is something we are immensely proud of. To celebrate this milestone we are running a Challenge Week fundraiser for the club which will see many of our athletes push themselves in unique challenges with the view to raising money for the club. We have set the target of raising £10,000.

Where will the money go?

As a club, we are trying to improve both our accessibility and performance through the acquisition of two new boats; a brand new 8+ for our Senior Women's squad and an ex-demo 4+ for our Senior Men. The £10,000 we are hoping to raise will go a long way to facilitating these purchases.

Why is this so important? 

Purchasing these two boats will set the club up for a prosperous future where we can make rowing at York as accessible and successful as possible. These have been the targets of this years committee and we believe that through Challenge Week we will give as many members of the club as possible an opportunity to shape the future of the club.

For the Senior squads, the boats will act as highly competitive shells as well as additional seats of training capacity allowing for an increased squad depth. In recent years the squads have seen some great successes including Henley Women's and Henley Royal Regatta qualifications (the peak of competitive rowing in the UK). We aim to build on this year on year and we believe that these purchases would enable us to do this.

Find us here

We have various forms of social media through which you can keep up with the challenges taking place:

List of challenges

Below are a selection of the challenges being completed as part of the week:

  • 24 hour team row British Record attempt
  • The Ouse Marathon
  • Tandem Lightweight erg record attempt
  • 60 hours on the rowing machine for 60 years
  • The Yorkshire Three Peaks
  • 300km of running/cycling/erging in a week
  • Travelling the distance from York to Henley

Help us succeed! 

We would love you to donate as much or as little as you are able and any donations are hugely appreciated. If you are looking to support an individual athlete or challenge please put a message with your donation saying who so we can track everyone's donations! 

Alternatively, if you don't wish to donate then please do spread the word by sharing our social media posts to your own socials so as many people as possible can read about our efforts!

The UYBC Signatories