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Women's Rugby Development Squad

A project by: Samantha Crichton


WE RAISED £2,650

from 39 donors

This project received donations on Mon 12 Jan 2015
Helping women at the University of York to get into and stay playing rugby union.

UYWRUFC is the University of York Women's Rugby Union Club. It is open to all women who are interested in Rugby, including girls who have never picked up a ball! Many of our players have never played the game before joining University. We are:         

  • York Sport Union Team of the Year 2014
  • League Champions 2013/14, gaining promotion and winning the league by a massive 296 points!
  • Roses Champions 2014 

Our project

Our goal is to establish a development squad to allow new players to learn from the experienced ladies and a qualified coach.

And in addition enable our development squad to attend the first XV games to expose them to the game.

Our story 

  • The Women's rugby team has been part of the university for a number of years and, with the sport becoming increasingly popular, we have found that more students are wanting to try the game.
  • With so many new players is it's a challenge to adapt sessions to the varying abilities and obviously it takes some time for the new players to understand the game. By creating a development squad we will be able to train new players without the added pressure and difficulty which often comes with training with the the first team.
  • We have found that a number of potentially gifted women drop out of the club in the first few weeks because they struggle to pick up the new concepts quickly and the fast paced sessions can be off-putting to someone who has never touched a rugby ball before.
  • By donating to our project you will be helping the women of University of York get into and stay playing rugby union.

Where will the money go?

  • If we hit our minimum target, we will be able to run training sessions led by a qualified coach throughout the rest of the 2014 season.
  • If we hit our full target we will be able to pay for transport to take our developing ladies to the First XV games so that they can watch the match and, if they want, even get some time on the pitch!
  • We aim to purchase a new First XV strip to allow our developing ladies to compete in friendlies against other similar teams in the area.
  • If we exceed our target we will be able to have additional coach led development training sessions which will help the new players improve and gain in confidence.
  • We will give fortnightly updates on how our developing players are doing and how the team is progressing throughout the project.


  • £1200 will transport to all 4 first XV away games left this season (@ £300 for transport to and from a single away match)
  • £450 will provide the team with our target of 15 training sessions with a Qualified Coach (@30 each)
  • £990 will be enough to purchase 22 new shirts (@ £45 playing shirt)

And if we raise all of that we will hit our ultimate target of £2640!


We have some fantastic rewards to say thank you to anyone who donates! Check out our rewards section to find out more!
Find us here:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/York-University-Womens-Rugby/123689545765
Twitter @UYWRUFC
Instagram http://i.instagram.com/uywrufc
If you have any questions please email womensrugby@yusu.org 

We need YOUR help to succeed! 

Please donate today by clicking on the right of the page and select your gift

We understand that you may not be able to help us financially which is why we ask you to become a helper on YuStart and share our project with anyone you think would support us! 

You can share our project by:

  • liking us on facebook
  • helping us trend on twitter
  • following us on instagram
  • sending out emails to your contacts
  • mentioning us in a conversation to a friend
  • tag us in a blog or post online
In fact, if you could share it with everyone you know we would be unbelievably grateful and we will thank you personally via our online platforms! The more people who know about the project the more likely we are to success so your help is much appreciated!

And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help make this happen.