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  • YuFund matchfunded £100 thanks to alumni and friends of York

The Inkverse Anthology

A project by: Inklings Creative Writing Society



from 10 donors

This project received donations on Sun 12 Apr 2015
9 years, 10 months ago

We did it!!!!!

The weeks are up and thanks to all of your support has paid off! With your help the Inkverse Anthology raised an amazing £200. With this we will be able to put together a full, glossy anthology of our members writing, from the bizarre to the thoughtful and the funny to the tearful. We should be able to include any illustrations we have as well thanks to your generous donations!

Our committee is busy, busy as always preparing rewards for all of our sponsors. However, because exams are taking more out of everyone than we though it is likely that some rewards may be delayed by some weeks. More specific information will be available later.

We want to give you all a big thank you for letting our vision have a chance to come true! 

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

9 years, 11 months ago

Well here it is, the final stretch! Just one week left to go in our wonderful campaign. One week! 

Its time to roll up our sleeves and knuckle down for the final stretch. £170 is good but we can do better! So please, please tell your family, your friends, your frenamies, casual acquaintances and any one you happen to like the look of in the streets, to give to the Inkverse Anthology and help us reach our final target! Together we can do it!

We have continued to receive some amazing applications for our anthology and can't wait to start sharing them with you! Thank you poems and other rewards are being diligently hand crafted from the devious minds of our Inkverse elves, who have cleverly disguised themselves as the committee.

So please keep giving! We will keep on writing!

One week to go!

9 years, 11 months ago

Wow! Two weeks and already we are over a third of the way there! But we cant stop here and the Inklings Committee are committed to raising the full £300 to produce the best Anthology available. 

We have had some amazing submission to the Anthology from our members, ranging from poems to short stories. We even have some illustrations to add in to make the Anthology even more amazing!

Thank you poems are in the works for those that have already donated!

Only four more weeks to go!