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Beat the Buzz: turn URY Digital

A project by: University Radio York ((URY))


WE RAISED £2,566

from 59 donors

This project received donations on Fri 19 Jun 2015
Plagued by poor sound quality and old analogue equipment we finally want to beat the buzz and turn URY Digital

Hi! We are raising money to Beat the Buzz and turn URY's audio path digital. This will give our listeners higher audio quality and enable URY to be at the forefront of technological innovation for student radio.

This project would replace some of the oldest components in URY which are beginning to degrade, creating an audible buzz on all of our output. We want to not only replace this equipment, but fully upgrade to digital audio.

Who are URY?

  • University Radio York is the student radio station for the University of York. We are run by students, for students.

  • We provide a platform to students to try out radio broadcasting, have fun, hone their skills and perhaps continue into the broadcast industry - as many of our alumni have done.

  • We are the oldest legal independent broadcaster in the UK, at very nearly 50 years old, and throughout that time have been innovators in the field of broadcast technology.

Our Story

URY broadcast 24/7 in term time, with member’s shows normally from 9am-3am. For many years, URY has been plagued by a mixed frequency buzz on the output, which many engineering teams have tried to find and kill, with little success. A lot of members use recordings of their shows to put towards portfolios for further education or jobs in broadcast. However, due to the fundamental connections within URY, this buzz makes it to the audio logs.

In quieter songs, listeners often message in asking why there is buzzing on the stream. Furthermore, recent feedback from the Student Radio Awards judges mentioned the detrimental effect it has on the entries, for which URY is often one of the most decorated stations.

We have already started on this project, thanks to previous grant applications, our most recent grant has enabled us to partially replace the links between our studios and transmission site, and whilst this has improved matters, it is not a robust solution and was mainly put into effect due to one piece of key equipment dieing completely.

This funding will allow us to finally finish the project and for all our members to see the benefit of it, let’s Beat the Buzz, and turn URY Digital.

How are we going to spend your money?

This money raised will go directly on improvements to the studio, linking our two studios, production office and transmission site with digital audio links by using Focusrite Rednet. This means instead of unreliable and fragile lengths of cable, susceptible to all sorts of interference, the audio is sent instantly over a network. Installing this zero-latency IP system would be a first for any student station in the UK.

We hope that by bringing our audio connections up to a higher, modern, digital standard, we can not only beat the buzz, but significantly improve the quality of URY’s broadcasting. Most importantly, it would last, without the regular repairs needed to the analogue equipment it should save the society repair costs for the significant future, helping us to continue to grow and do what is best for our members.

The funding will impart all members of the society, improving the audio quality and enabling easier set-up for sessions, special events and outside broadcasts or for specific programs.

So please help us to continue making amazing radio, and donate today!

 Our Rednet 2 already in use

Our Goals

Our minimum target will allow us to purchase a Rednet 3 and an audio interface for our transmission site. Enabling us to move our two existing Rednet 2s into the studios, and fully link studio and transmission, removing the analogue interconnects.

With our full target we can have a better set-up in Studio 2 for sessions, and give us more flexibility in our usage of the system for OBs.

With even more funds we can expand the system, and upgrade other parts of our audio path, giving our computers new audio interfaces that can fully utilise the audio network, create a dedicated OB system, who knows!  We have secured quotes from Focusrite for the equipment and are excited about the improvements that will be possible with your help, 

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Help us succeed!

Please donate today!

But we don't just need money to help us succeed! We need your help. Even if you can't give us a penny, you can promote our campaign to your friends, colleagues, housemates, family or even random strangers!

We need as many people as possible to be talking about our project. Everywhere you can think of – on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog.

In fact, share it with everyone you know as the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly. And remember to follow us to keep up to date with how we are doing!

We’d love it for you to be part of what we do! Please sponsor us today and help turn URY Digital.