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  • YuFund matchfunded £500 thanks to alumni and friends of York

Beat the Buzz: turn URY Digital

A project by: University Radio York ((URY))


WE RAISED £2,566

from 59 donors

This project received donations on Fri 19 Jun 2015

Only project creators and their donors can post comments.

Keep us updated on how it goes!

URY was easily the best aspect of my 3 years at University and gave me the friends and skills I needed afterwards in the spooky real world. There is something for everyone and that's what makes it the best society on campus! I hope these donations go towards helping a future URY Committee beat the buzz and have just as much fun as we did!

York student media is the best, and URY was my first involvement with it. Loved my brief time there, doing innumerable radio plays and a madcap Friday morning bits-and-pieces show. Best wishes for the future!

Hope it all comes together for you all, so important to keep such a wonderful place going!

Good luck!

If it wasn't for URY I wouldn't have a job. Or any friends. So donating was the least I could do...

I spent a lot of time in throughout uni there, in fact if I wasn't in lectures or bed, I was probably in URY. Good luck with the upgrade, though I'd advise documenting what you install to give your successors a head start! :D Matt (URY's Chief Engineer 2006-2008)

Good luck all! I have fond memories of being on and around URY, hope this goes some way to achieving your goal. Alan (former Head of Computing)

I spent many, many hours during which I should have been either studying or sleeping sat in the orange-walled studio of URY playing CDs and MiniDiscs, talking in between and having a ridiculous amount of fun doing it. My donation to this project is just a small payback for the opportunity to play at being a DJ for three years in the early noughties. Thanks URY! Jonathan Bufton (2002-5).

Best of luck! I have recordings from my old shows with that buzz on them so know how annoying it can be! David :)

Good luck everyone x

URY gave me a dream and you can't put a price on that. Well. I donated £10. But you know. It doesn't FULLY reflect the impact it has had on my life.

Good luck getting the target. A great project for a great society!

Forever grateful for the platform URY gave me. Long may it continue to be a great platform for others. Beat the Buzz!

I think I spent more time at URY than in my faculty! One of the best societies I was ever a part of. Good luck!

URY was the most fun and most rewarding thing I did while at university and I owe the station a great deal. I hope you guys get to go digital. Just make sure to play some good music when you do.

Quite simply one of the best societies at York. All the best, big love. Andy Lake

URY has been more than just a hobby, it has become a passion and seeing this project to completion has become a serious goal, so the station is there for future generations to enjoy and get as much from as I have!

Good luck - good to see URY still going strong.

URY has been one of the best things from my time at Uni. So much fun, so many outrageous times, so many memories!

I've loved my time at URY over the last 3 years.. so here's for going digital!