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Kate and the Cosmonaut

A project by: Aleksandra Rojek


WE RAISED £2,500

from 48 donors

This project received donations on Wed 08 Jan 2020
In the face of despair, a star-crossed friendship takes form...

Kate and the Cosmonaut 

Kate and the Cosmonaut is a drama short, exploring the extreme long-distance relationship between Kate – an ‘executive fulfilment specialist’ in a ‘Wowzah! Joy Factory’ – and her ‘Cosmonaut’.

Both are trapped, whether that be a dead-end warehouse job in a late-capitalist hellscape, or an unfamiliar world without the means to return. But through each other, Kate and the Cosmonaut find hope. Suddenly, being stranded feels a little less scary.

Kate and the Cosmonaut is an ambitious project, but ultimately, a very human one. It’s about discovering hope in the depths of despair. It’s about the desire to connect with someone, no matter the distance. It’s about having the strength to act from a position of vulnerability.

And with your help, we can make this story a reality.

Who are we?

We are a group of Film and Television Production students embarking on the thrilling journey to make our final year film. We are all incredibly excited to explore the word of Kate and the Cosmonaut and hope that you can help us with that!

Aleksandra Rojek: Producer/ Oscar Godfrey: Production Designer/ Anastasia Arsentyeva: Director/ Richard Jones: Production Manager/ Thomas Sandler: Director of Photography/ Kira Duckwitz: Sound Recordist/ Toby Godfree: Editor/ Jacob Boyle: Writer

Where will Your money go?

To make the world of Kate and the Cosmonaut come to live we need your generous help to raise £2500 which will go towards the following:

Hiring Locations: £650

The world of Kate is a dystopian one, not too different from our own. Kate works in a Wowzah warehouse which will be one of the main locations for the film. We will spend a portion of the money hiring a warehouse which can convey the mood and feel of Kate's world, as well as other locations such as her house.

Set and Costume Design: £700

A significant portion of the budget will go into the design of costumes and the set for the film. We do not only want to buy the costumes, but we also want to customise them to be one of a kind and original. 

Accommodation and Transport: £400

A portion of the budget will go towards hiring vans to transport the equipment, crew and actors, as well as paying for the actors' transportation and accommodation. After all, it is important that we all get to location safely!

Catering: £300

A well nourished crew is a happy crew. We will spend a portion of the budget on food for the crew and actors to get us through the days on set. An abundance of hot tea will also be a must!

Specialist Equipment: £200

To further enhance this dystopian world we are looking to hire out some specialist equipment which will help us with the filming.

Contingency: £250

We understand that complications can arise, as much as we will try to avoid them. 

Find us here

Facebook: Kate and the Cosmonaut

Instagram: kateandthecosmonautfilm

Email: kateandthecosmonautfilm@gmail.com

Help us succeed!

This project cannot happen without your help! No matter the donation, big or small, your help and contribution mean the world to us.

If you are unable to donate, please spread the word! Share us on social media, tell your friend, family, neighbour. On Earth and the outer space, the more people hear about Kate’s story the better!

We are so thankful for all the help and are very excited to share this project with you and update you of our process on the way! Please stay connected. Thank you for your help!