Sports Development in Sri Lanka

A project by: Bradley Hodgson



from 2 donors

This project received donations on Fri 21 Jun 2019
Only with your help can I make a difference.

the importance 

In the wake of the horrific Easter sunday attacks that have rocked Sri Lanka, it has never been more important to ensure charitable affairs can still reach the country. I can't stress enough how much I need your support to do so. Having been fundraising for months now, I can't imagine not being able to support these students due to fundraising time lost in periods of uncertainty. Now that I am cleared to visit, any kind donations on this site are now essential in attempting to cover my flights to and from the country.

The project

This incredible project will target mainly educational facilities such as primary schools that are in need of charitable aid. I will be focusing on the rehabilitation and regeneration of rural communities through renovation, and more excitingly, unlocking the sporting potential of under privileged children. Being a keen sportsman myself, I aim to participate voluntarily in a ‘Sports Development’ programme operating around the southernly city of Galle. The main body of the voluntary work I hope to do will consist of searching for and developing sporting talent in football, rugby and cricket. In unison with this, we shall be conducting renovations of sports pitches and facilities so that the students have a suitable environment in which they can thrive. I simply can't stress how much I need your support, as without you travel to and from the country may not be possible. 

I will be organising and running entertaining and useful coaching sessions that are inclusive of all abilities as a member of a cohort of other volunteers with similar passions and interests. Having adored all types of sport for a very early age, I am beyond excited to try my hand at teaching others. Furthermore, what is particularly special about this scheme is that through a cooperation with the Sri Lankan Government we can suggest applicants to attend the new university's being built in the north from the data we collect. Therefore, on a long-term basis, this could provide a route to university for talented and passionate students, which would truly be an honour to say you've helped in. This trip will be such an incredible and life-changing opportunity, for hopefully both me and the children of Sri Lanka. I would be so grateful if you can offer me any assistance to enable me to partake in this truly special opportunity.


All of the kind donations collected on this site will go towards my plane tickets, which come out at £580. I have already managed to raise enough to cover the costs of equipment needed to ensure sporting sessions can be conducted to a high standard. The living cost guideline seemed huge when I first laid eyes upon the figure, this was because I didn't realise there was so much extra to living abroad! Extra costs really add up when considering all volunteers need multiple vaccinations, a Sri Lankan Visa, a DBS checks and specialist travel insurance.

  • Plane tickets £580 (RAISING FOR THESE)
  • Living costs £1000 


I aim to bring back something unique for everyone who donates, if that be handwritten postcard or souvenir itself! It would be my pleasure bring back a whole host of items made in Sri Lanka. I am definitely one who loves interesting and culturally specific souvenirs (especially handmade) that you can only find in bustling markets or street sales. So, if you want something truly one of a kind (I promise no tack, I'm not like that) brought all the way back from the streets of Sri Lanka over 5,000 miles away it may be the best money you've ever spent. If you're after something specific like jewellery, unique ornament for the home or even jar of sand from one of the beaches I am happy to tailor to you! I can assure donators I'll do the very best I can in terms of originality!    


I want to take this section to personally thankyou for reading my story. The opportunity to travel and volunteer in Sri Lanka means so much to me that it's difficult to put into words.

Thanks again,


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